During the first six weeks of spending my money more mindfully, I made significant changes that set me up for success. But the power of habit can be harnessed at any time to keep us building a rich and meaningful life.
Mindfully Spent is about managing finances, time, and more in pursuit of meaning. It chronicles my journey to use money and moments for things I truly love.
Save money. Pay off debt. Simplify. Do the unimaginable big things that you want with your life. Look back on your dollars and days and find they were Mindfully Spent.
All tagged how to change bad habits
During the first six weeks of spending my money more mindfully, I made significant changes that set me up for success. But the power of habit can be harnessed at any time to keep us building a rich and meaningful life.
9 completely free tools that can help you spend less, better understand your finances, set meaningful priorities, and put a few bucks in your pocket.
More than 1 in 4 Americans not going deeper into debt this holiday season, but we will not be among them. Here are the financial wins we're celebrating this pay period.
I have paid an extra $400.26 toward our debt in just 4 weeks! In this post, I discuss how this success was mostly due to radical changes of the tiniest kind, wins that have nothing to do with money, and how I found I will be able to redirect over $6,000 to debt repayment in the year to come.
Deciding how my life would look if I spent my money on what mattered created a huge and immediate change. Instead of berating myself for being off track, I was asking myself "What do you really want? Let's do that."
Once we’ve identified what is essential for a fulfilling life, we can choose to use our money as a tool to get us there instead of it being a source of shame.